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236 results, sorted by date
Will American support for Ukraine last?
Will American support for Ukraine last?
Americans are voicing their support for Ukraine. But in the face of inflation, rising prices and partisan divides, public opinion may change.
US and Europe find unity but must move beyond the West
US and Europe find unity but must move beyond the West
President Biden’s first State of the Union address was delivered to a US Congress which showed moments of seemingly cast-iron unity in support of Ukraine.
Boxing Cuba In Benefits No One
Boxing Cuba In Benefits No One
It’s on the United States to break the detente because Cuba’s continued isolation may have serious geopolitical consequences.
The Corruption Obsession Is a Convenient Distraction
The Corruption Obsession Is a Convenient Distraction
Opposing corruption in international forums is easy. Nobody is openly for it, and popular sentiment is strongly against it. Global public opinion surveys show that corruption is a primary concern of citizens all around the world, and a host of public ills can be attributed to it, from economic stagnation, to the global decline of trust in democracy and a range of other societal challenge
Putin's Ukraine dilemma, and the security threat to Europe
Putin's Ukraine dilemma, and the security threat to Europe
Contactless, Crypto, and Cash: Laundering Illicit Profits in the Age of COVID-19
Contactless, Crypto, and Cash: Laundering Illicit Profits in the Age of COVID-19
This paper explores whether COVID-19 may have affected the traditional means illicit groups have used to launder their ill-gotten profits processes through three main channels: increased reliance on cryptocurrencies to move and launder funds tied to illicit activity; the expanded use of the internet through e-commerce sites to continue and expand trade mispricing practices to move illicit funds; and the use of FinTech and peer-to-peer payment services to transfer illicit funds.
Reforming Venezuela’s electricity sector: Options and priorities for rebuilding a collapsed system
Reforming Venezuela’s electricity sector: Options and priorities for rebuilding a collapsed system
This paper examines the root causes of the power crisis in Venezuela in the context of the steady collapse of the state in the country, to provide a series of recommendations concerning rebuilding versus replacing existing infrastructure and priorities in Venezuela’s critical energy transition. It urges the engagement of principal stakeholders in a broad, transparent dialogue to launch the reform of the electricity sector in distinct, coordinated phases.
US spotlight: The year in review and looking ahead
US spotlight: The year in review and looking ahead
Chatham House and foreign policy experts review the first year of the Joe Biden presidency and examine America’s future place in the world.
Re-imagining trade for domestic and foreign policy
Re-imagining trade for domestic and foreign policy
Exploring future trade policy through issues such as the green transition, labour standards, human rights, the role of the WTO, and non-trade policy objectives.